Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A New Name

It is official. We have pulled out of the China program. We have been on the fence about this decision for a long time, but within this last month we made it final. Once we got Carly, we knew the wait time was still a long time out, and we still wanted to adopt from China so we thought we would wait a bit more and then decide down the road. As December approached, we knew we would either have to pull out or go through the re-certification process again....which means paying for updating our paper work and getting new prints. We now feel that our family is complete. We believe that the Lord used China as a detour to get Carly. Had it not been for China, we would have never received a call for Carly. We got our little girl, just not the way we thought it would happen.

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9

That is a verse the Lord clearly spoke to me during this adoption process. Several months before we got the call for Carly, we had been put on the "waiting child" list for special needs with our agency. I knew once we were on this list, then a phone call could come at any day. One night I had gone to bed thinking over and over in my head all the possible scenarios of when we could travel and even trying to figure out the age of our little girl when we get her(I know, sounds crazy...that is why this verse was so clear in my dream). I woke up with only remembering this verse and a voice speaking in my dream saying over and over "May. Just wait til May". Of course, when I woke that morning I right away thought...that's it! We are traveling in May. Well, long story short, Carly was born May 13th.

This adoption process has been one filled with excitement, tears, waiting, doubt, more waiting, worry, surprises, faith, lots of paper work, joy and a wonderful outcome! The Lord reminded me through this time..."For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. Isaiah 55:8

In just a few days 2010 will come to an end and with that our adoption journey too (unless the Lord has other plans to grow our family). We will welcome in 2011 and I cant wait to see what the Lord has in store for us. So with all that being said, I have changed our blog name.


We had a wonderful Christmas...other than the fact that Carter came down with the stomach flu Christmas Eve.

Friday evening we attended the Christmas Eve candlelight service which is always so wonderful. Then while Santa's elves were busy in the night wrapping gifts, Carter got sick. By morning he was doing better but spent the entire day on the couch...poor guy. My parents came over and joined us for breakfast and to watch the kids (Connor and Carly) open their presents. Carly LOVED her kitchen. Later we headed over to my brothers for the annual jumping in the pool. I wasn't sure if I should go since I thought I should stay home with Carter, but we all went. When we got to my brothers, we got Carter settled on the couch, the gang jumped in the pool and we then opened our gifts from each other. A tradition we have done for many years, is that rather than buying for every family member, we draw names and then write a poem to that person. Christmas day we take turns reading the poem and we have to figure out who wrote that poem before we can open the gift. When we draw names we dont tell who we have. It is always so funny to hear such crazy and silly poems...especially those written by the guys. The nephew and nieces got a Kinect so we spent the rest of our time doing that.

Sunday morning Carter woke up feeling much better and ready to open his gifts. The boys also got a Kinect so Carter got right into playing the games. It was nice to see him feeling back to himself.

It's hard to believe we are through another Christmas season. Now we head into a new year!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

I Wonder How This Happened??

When your two year old is in the bathroom and it's quiet....it means it's time to check on them!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thanksgiving Time Pictures

Here are few pictures of Thanksgiving Day and putting up our lights.

Cousins....Carly and Kailey

Papa and Connor

Kaitlyn with Erik

The folks

Tim and Tanya

Carly being her cute self

Glad he is doing this job....

Carter willing to help (well, he was really hoping we would let him up on the roof)

A sweet kiss for Gramma


Are we really into December already?! The month of November seemed to fly by... but I guess it seems like every month flies by!

The week of Thanksgiving Erik's parents drove into town from Seattle. We had a busy week leading into Turkey day! Some highlights:

The Jr. High kids from Connor's school worked on a service project. They were able to put together 1200 toiletry bags for Youth Haven Ranch. A place where disadvantaged kids can come and receive love, warm meals, clothes and most of all, the gospel. Papa and I were able to help that morning and had a lot of fun.

Carter had his Turkey Trot. Erik and his mom were able to attend that (since it was the same time as Connor's service project). Basically the Turkey Trot is when one of the teachers dresses up as a turkey and the kids chase him around the length of the field. Carter is NEVER excited to do this and usually walks, but this year, he ran!! We are so proud of him.

Not only did we do a lot of cooking for Thanksgiving day but we also made cookies, Lefse and with the ham bone from Thanksgiving (we always have a ham in addition to a turkey since my dad does not eat turkey) we made a huge pot of split pea soup! My absolute favorite soup! Oh it was all so good.

We took the kids to see the new movie Tangled. It was very cute and funny!!

We started decorating for Christmas and got our outdoor lights up. I love how it all looks with the lights.

Thanksgiving was here at our house this year and we had a wonderful time. I had lots of great help and everything tasted so good. We truly have so much to be thankful for!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


So I certainly am not very good about getting on here. I do want to add some pictures to show what we have been up to this last month or so....

Carly at Connor's game

Gramma came to visit from Washington

Now that our weather is cooling off, we love going to the park.

Carly, Brooklynn and cousin Henry

Cononor turns 14!! How is that possible?!

Grandpa and Grandma with Carter.

Erik and Connor

Carly and mamma

Its hard to believe we are into November. I know these weeks to come will be busy. I hope to get a lot more pictures!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Game Time!

My favorite time of year.....football season! Not only do we love to watch college and NFL, but best of all, we love to watch Connor play! Last night was his first game. They did not win this one but they all played well! Go Crusaders!

warming up - Connor is #21

Coffee with Uncle Tim

Last week we met up with my brother for coffee. The weather here is finally cooling down....our highs are about 100. Now, if I lived any where other than here in the desert I would think that was way too hot. But when we've had temps all summer up to 110-113 (even higher), then 100 is nice. The mornings are in the low to mid 70's....its wonderful!! So for the first time in several months, we sat outside and enjoyed our time together with some coffee.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Our Summer

Seems like its gets harder and harder to sit down and write and I didn't even seem to take many pictures over the summer...ugh!! Here is a quick update...

Back in June (which seems so long ago), we took a road trip to Seaside, Oregon. This was our 2nd summer making this trip and we couldn't wait to get going. We spent a week there and loved our time on the beach along with the MUCH cooler weather. Family from Washington were able to join us for a few days too. It was wonderful!

In July, Papa and Payton flew down from Wa. for a few days. Even though the temps were up to 115, we found plenty to do and had a great time with them.

The boys have been in school for 3 weeks already. Connor is now in 8th grade and Carter is in the 5th grade. How can that be??

Seaside, Oregon

Gramma, Carly and Auntie Julie

Carly with Papa and Gramma

Cousin Kyle and Connor

Carter with Uncle Marty

Connor, Carly, Cousin Payton and Carter

Going to school

and of course, Carly had to get her picture taken too!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Still Here....

just busy! I cannot believe my last post was Carly's birthday. That seems so long ago. Not only have we've been busy this summer but we've been without a computer. Thanks to a friend we are able to use hers. However, I can't download any pics. Needless to say we are in the market for a a new computer...ugh!!

Here is a brief re-cap of what we've been up to...

The boys finished school in May and thus started our summer vacation.

I had my birthday first week of June. Now, that is not too exciting, however, my hubby surprised with me a plane ticket to Idaho to visit my dearest friend. He did not tell me til the day before. He had it all planned. Took off a week of work and all!! What a guy!! Love him!

Got home from Idaho and 4 days later we were on the road to Oregon. We took two days to drive and spent a week on the coast...at Seaside. Loved it!!! We had some much cooler weather and enjoyed every minute of it. Erik's family drove down from Wa. as well as my brother and spent a few days with us. We had a great time on the beach swimming, riding bikes and roasting marsh mellows.

We were home for the 4th of July and had a BBQ at my brother's house. We usually drive to the stadium to see the fireworks but this year we decided to watch them from our driveway.

I just can't believe the kids go back to school in a matter of weeks (Aug 9th). Our summer is just way too short!

Well, I hope I can get some pics on here soon.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Look Who's 2!

Happy Birthday to Carly!

Can it really be?? She is 2!
We are so thankful to have Miss Carly as part of our family!
She is a gift from the Lord!

Carly had her 2 year check up today......
she weighed in at 29 pounds and 35 in. tall!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day!

Like always, I had a wonderful Mother's Day! I woke up to cinnamon rolls baking in the oven and a dozen red roses on the counter. After church we went to Pei-Wei for a yummy lunch then later we got together with family. The Lord has blessed me with three wonderful children and I'm proud to be their mom.